“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” -Mark Twain

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


This town didn't have as many exciting adventures as our other cities but it was still fun. Wellington is the last city we went to on the north island. We went into the city and got some money so we could go eat dinner and explore a little. I had a delightful hamburger that was huge! It was probably a good 6" in diameter and was so good. Yum!! They do burgers well here and it had avocado and bacon. All kinds of goodness. And my coke. The coke here is so good because they make it with cane sugar not with corn syrup. Double yum! Then we wandered around and looked in the windows of stores. Something really interesting about New Zealand is that everything here closes super early, around 5:00 pm, and we didn't get into town until around 5:00 so we pretty much had time to eat dinner and then all the stores were closed.

My first coke in New Zealand.

Luckily we went into town the next morning too and my friend Heidi and I went to a store we had seen the night before called... (wait for it).... Missy's Room. How perfect no?! So of course we had to stop and of course I had to buy something. Fortunately things were on sale so I got a skirt for a great price. Now I have something from my room. Of course as my mom would say I could just go to my own closet and find plenty of things to wear, but still. It's New Zealand.

So after we bought my skirt we went to McDonalds and had a $ 0.60 ice cream cone. Ice cream here needs it's own discussion. It is so creamy and tastes so much richer and better than American ice cream. Even a cheap soft serve cone from McDonalds is creamier than back home.
This awesome giant umbrella in the middle of a square.